Navisworks 2018.2.1 update (available via the Autodesk Desktop App) comes with the following list of bug fixes and improvements:
Enhancements • LMV users will now see a clear error message when the Navisworks extractor fails • In Recap, a viewpoint is saved at the origin of each scan • Navisworks now supports the ability to outline cross-sections
Fixes IFC Loader • Imported IFC files now include classification data so that it can be used to create search sets • Model hierarchy is now preserved when using the Revit_IFC loader, to help find information more efficiently • Resolved an issue where Revit AddIns for IFC Loader cannot work if Navisworks 2018 is uninstalled, then reinstalled • Resolved an issue where Navisworks 2018 crashes when an IFC file with reinforced bars is imported
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