Conductor Revit & Rhino add-in becomes free and open source, bringing Trello boards inside your models

Conductor is a Revit and Rhino add-in that integrates Trello task management with your models. This add-in has originally been released as paid application (I've already mentioned it in my post last year) by Nathan Miller from provingground, and now it's available for free.

Conductor uses Trello API to move your tasks between Revit (Rhino) and Trello. The integration is clean and seamless:

Below you can find the the add-in requirements:

  • Revit 2017/2018*
  • Rhinoceros 5.0 64-Bit for Windows*
  • Windows OS (Developed and tested with Windows 10)
  • ClickOnce installer is best used with Internet Explorer
  • ClickOnce user installer assumesĀ a standard Windows user setup
  • Internet connection
  • Trello account (you'll also need to authorize the app with your own Trello token)
  • * Versions for Revit 2019, Rhinoceros 6, and Navisworks 2019 are forthcoming.

You can also read the full description here (including the download links), and release notes here. Source code has been posted to bitbucket.