Where to find Navisworks 2018 / 2019 language packs

Autodesk has changed the way to distribute Navisworks language packs. Previously you could have found them via the Autodesk Knowledge Network portal in the Downloads & Upgrades > Service Packs & Fixes menu.

Starting from Navisworks 2018, there are no links to download language packs. Why? Because now language packs for Navisworks are already contained in the software package.

All you need to do is downloaded the software package (which is usually an sfx archive) and extract its contents:


Find the folder with the language code you need:

  • en-US (for English localization)
  • de-DE (for German localization)
  • es-ES (for Spanish localization)
  • fr-FR (for French localization)
  • it-IT (for Italian localization)
  • ja-JP (for Japanese localization)
  • ko-KR (for Korean localization)
  • pt-BR (for Brazilian Portuguese localization (documentation only))
  • ru-RU (for Russian localization)
  • zh-CN (for Chinese (PRC) localization)

Each of these folders contains both Navisworks language pack and Navisworks exporters plugin (NWEXPORT):

Navisworks LP package

Open the folder with the language pack you need and launch the *.msi installer:

Navisworks LP installer

After installing the language pack, modify the Navisworks desktop shortcut.

Right-click the Navisworks shortcut > Properties > Shortcut > add the language code in the Target field:

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2019\Roamer.exe" -lang de-DE

Save the changes and launch Navisworks.